Some aspects of spirituality for all readers

This new book by the popular writer Denis McBride will delight his many admirers and win him new ones. Covering in turn the Joyful Mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries and the Glorious Mysteries, Fr McBride takes the reader through a series of meditations which draw out in a wonderful way the meaning and truth of each mystery.

He begins with an appropriate reading from the New Testament, followed by meditation, supported by a painting as a devotional aid, followed by a reflection on the image itself, and finally a prayer that draws on a particular aspect of the mystery.

His hope is that “these reflections will be a real support to you in praying the rosary and help you, in some small way, to grow personally closer to the loving lives of Jesus and Mary”.

The book is intended to deepen the spiritual life of the individual reader in communion with Jesus and his Mother. It cannot be recommended too highly.


Eager to Love: The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi

by Richard Rohr

(Available from The Irish Catholic, €16.99)

Our reviewer was enthusiastic about this book when it first appeared. It is now on special offer from The Irish Catholic.

Richard Rohr is a well-known American writer within the Franciscan tradition, the author of many books and articles.

At home in New Mexico, he is involved in a Centre for Contemplation and Action. The “alternative way” is one that disregards power and privilege; the things that Francis himself gave up as his family heritage. Though grounded and motivated by the Gospels, there remains Rohr believes, a radical, life changing, indeed revolutionary, reacceptance of the actual teachings of Christ.

This book contains 13 chapters, which are built around individuals, who over the centuries followed the Franciscan way. But the discussion is not based on what happened in the past, but what it can mean to us in the present, and how it may change our futures.

Rohr is a wonderfully appealing writer, making past ideas and future hopes open to all. The language uses new concepts, but is everywhere present in an approachable and easy style.