Shaking hands is more unhygienic

Dear Editor, I was very surprised to read that the Vatican has ordered Catholics to replace hugs and kisses with handshakes when they are offering the Sign of Peace.
Pope Francis is banning hugs and kisses at Mass, and he has told bishops to draw up strict guidelines. The circular said churchgoers should be offered “practical measures” to help them perform the gesture with more sobriety. Anyone would think that Massgoers were having a love in party every-time they attended Mass. 

It’s much more hygienic to hug and kiss then to shake hands. We all know shaking hands can spread germs everywhere. What about the Holy Water fonts? They are a breathing area for germs and sickness. Imagine all those dirty unhygienic hands swirling around in the water fonts. Then you come along to bless yourself in the dirty water. I’d prefer a kiss or a hug any day.  Pope Francis I’m afraid you’re losing it, and me just getting to like you.
Yours etc.,

Terry Healy,


Co. Kildare.