Seeking God in the most difficult of times

Dear Editor, The death of the actor Robin Williams is a terrible tragedy – its impact made all the more severe by his popularity, talent and charismatic character. For people in the clutches of something like a mental illness as powerful as depression it is very hard to find or even fight their way out of this darkness. In your article (IC August 14) it said that “he (Robin Williams) often made God a pivot point in his jokes”, and I feel that if someone in this state could only allow God’s influence into their lives, especially during these dark times perhaps they would find their way out of the darkness.

I have known many people who at times felt depressed and helpless, and by simply talking about their problems they got the support from friends,
family and charities such as Pieta House to climbout of that abyss and continue. 

However, I have always found that visiting a church and prayer to be equally uplifting. While you may fall on hard times, God will never abandon a person in need and when you reach out to him he will reply in his own way.

Yours etc.,

Margaret O’Donnell,


Co. Antrim.