School grants to relieve struggling parishes

The grants will also bring relief to the thousands of board members of Catholic primary schools who give of their time voluntarily in managing primary schools

Cash strapped parishes assisting struggling schools will be relieved by the restoration of the

Small Works Grant and the Summer Works Scheme, the head of the Catholic Primary School

Management Association (CPSMA) has said.


Welcoming Education Minister Ruairi Quinn’s announcement, CPSMA General Secretary Fr

Tom Deenihan said: “This had been a major issue for schools over the past number of years

throughout the country and had, in many cases, resulted in parish communities subventing

and, in some cases, financing necessary repairs to and extensions of Catholic primary schools

from the Sunday collection in the local parish.


“The CPSMA, with many other parties, had campaigned for this reintroduction in its

pre-budget submission and we welcome this announcement. It is our hope that this grant will

remain for future years,” he said.


The grants will also bring relief to the thousands of Board Members of Catholic Primary

Schools who give of their time voluntarily in managing primary schools, according to Fr



“It is a fact that board members struggle to manage budgets to ensure that the school

functions in a suitable building. This grant will allow schools to complete necessary repairs

and larger projects. The restoration of the grant will also provide much needed business to

local contractors and will, therefore, have a multiplier effect in local economies,” he said.