Rock of Cashel added to World Heritage shortlist

Rock of Cashel added to World Heritage shortlist

Staff Reporter

The Rock of Cashel, Co. Tipperary, where according to legend St Patrick came to convert King Aenghus to Christianity, is one of three sites added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List.

The neolithic passage tomb landscape of Co. Sligo, the Transatlantic Cable in Valentia, Co. Kerry, and royal sites of Ireland have all moved one step closer to being declared World Heritage sites, the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage announced July 21.

The Tentative List is an inventory of natural and cultural heritage sites that can demonstrate outstanding universal value considered suitable for nomination to the World Heritage List.

The Rock of Cashel was included as part of the royal sites of Ireland, which are “strongly linked to myth and legend and are associated with the transformation of Ireland from paganism to Christianity and St Patrick”, according to the submission to UNESCO.

Iniscealtra (Holy Island), Co. Clare and Glendalough Valley, Co. Wicklow also applied to be added to the list, but were not accepted.