Relations between Ireland and the Vatican

Dear Editor, I wish to comment on Enda Kenny’s recent visit to the Vatican for the canonisation of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II.

Mr Kenny stated that relations between the Catholic Church and the Irish State are now at a much better level than previously.

It’s hard to believe this when you realise that it was only last year that Mr Kenny introduced abortion into Ireland and expelled those deputies who dared to oppose abortion. He now wishes to introduce same-sex ‘marriage’ with a referendum in the coming year.

The Vatican embassy was closed for the last number of years on a whim and is now due to re-open with one diplomat. What a joke.

The present Government wishes to reduce as much as possible the number of Catholic and other faith schools in Ireland as well as eliminating as far as possible any religious instruction in the classroom.

And yet Mr Kenny says that relations between the Catholic Church and the Irish State are fine.

Since Pope Francis was elected he has received leaders from countries throughout the world; almost all have asked him to visit their countries, so I am afraid Mr Kenny will be long gone from office even if Pope Francis does decide to visit Ireland.

Yours etc.,

John Brady,


Co. Meath.