Pro-life Fine Gael member suspension is overturned

Pro-life Fine Gael member suspension is overturned Former Young Fine Gael president Barry Walsh

A prominent pro-life activist who was ousted from Fine Gael’s national executive over a series of controversial tweets has had his suspension from the party overturned.

Former Young Fine Gael president Barry Walsh resigned from the party’s national executive in November 2017, with the party’s disciplinary committee subsequently deciding to suspend him for 12 months, a decision Mr Walsh appealed.

Mr Walsh’s initial decision to resign followed a furore over derogatory comments he made on Twitter about a number of high-profile women who had called for Ireland’s constitutional protections for unborn children to be removed.


Fine Gael TD Kate O’Connell, who had – along with Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall and comedian Tara Flynn – been among those referred to in the tweets, made an official complaint about the matter to party secretary Tom Curran.

“I deeply regret the tone and language I used in some of my tweets,” Mr Walsh said at the time, continuing: “I realise that some of my remarks have caused serious offence to many people and I apologise unreservedly for that.”

Commenting on the decision to uphold Mr Walsh’s appeal, a party spokesman said: “Following an appeal, the suspension of membership was revoked by the party’s executive council as the appeals body. Mr Walsh does not hold any position within Fine Gael. The determination is final and the matter is closed.”