Opus Dei – priests who strive for holiness

Dear Editor, In an interview with Martin O’Brien (IC 16/1/14) Denis Bradley is reported as having said “the Church at a clerical level has been taken over by very young and very conservative young men. I think half of them are in Opus Dei."

Would that half of them were trained for the priesthood by ‘Opus Dei’!  

I am not and have never been a member of Opus Dei. However, I find Opus Dei priests men who are striving for holiness of life, love Pope Francis, give homilies that are scriptural and inspiring. They are men obedient to the Magisterium of the Church. 

I would like to see more priests who can feed and shepherd the flock as do the followers of Saint Josemaría. 

Yours etc.,

Joseph O’Callaghan,

Dun Laoghaire,

Co. Dublin.