NI Justice Minister to meet Church leaders on abortion legislation

Minister proposing to change law to permit abortion in cases where unborn child will only live for a short time after birth

Church leaders are to set to give their position on a proposed amendment to the North’s abortion law in a series of meetings being held with justice minister David Ford.

The minister is proposing to change the law in the North to permit abortion in cases where the unborn child will only live for a short time after birth and is deemed to have no chance of survival. Currently, abortion is only legal in Northern Ireland if a woman’s life is at risk, or if there is a risk of permanent and serious damage to her mental or physical health.

The public consultation on the proposed change closes on January 17.

Speaking to BBC Radio Ulster, Mr Ford said that he had mentioned the pending consultation on changing abortion law to the four main Church leaders at a recent meeting on human trafficking issues, “but at this stage, as the public consultation is under way I thought it was appropriate to meet Church leaders.

“On the basis of the preliminary meetings, there was a range of opinions expressed and I expect that range to continue,” he said. “But I think what is important is for people to look at the details of what is proposed and don’t just respond to the concept of abortion in general, as if we are seeking to introduce the 1967 [British Abortion] Act in Northern Ireland, which we are not.”


Minister Ford is also seeking opinions on whether the law should be changed to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest, but he said he “will not be making a formal recommendation” on this issue.

The NI Human Rights Commission (NIHRC) is seeking a change in the law to allow abortion in cases of rape, incest or “serious malformation” of a foetus which is due to be heard in the Belfast High Court on February 2.

The pro-life group Precious Life and pro-life Family Planning Association have both registered an interest in the proceedings.