Move to secure UCC chaplaincy services

Three full-time chaplains to be provided to the university

The diocese of Cork and Ross has come to an agreement with University College Cork (UCC) in relation to the provision of chaplaincy services, The Irish Catholic has learned.

A spokesperson for the diocese confirmed to this newspaper that UCC will now provide the diocese with an annual subvention and the diocese in turn will provide three full-time chaplains to the university. 


It is understood that the University of Notre Dame in the US will provide two full time lay chaplains to the diocese who will be assigned to work at UCC alongside Fr Marius O’Reilly.

The spokesperson said that the diocese was “delighted” with the arrangement, adding that it “should not just ensure the future of Catholic chaplaincy at UCC but increase its efficacy and ensure that Chaplaincy becomes a more visible and integral aspect of campus life and student experience”.