Miss Universe pledges faith and charity this Christmas

In one of her final acts as Miss Universe 2015, devoted Catholic Pia Wurtzbach has made a public donation of personal items to Caritas Manila towards helping the Church’s efforts for the poor in her native Philippines this Christmas.

During a meeting with Cardinal Luis Tagle on December 12, just ahead of the competition to choose her 2016 successor, Wurtzbach declared of her donation that she was “doing this out of pure love and good faith” and called on others to “share their blessings”.

“Let’s share with one another,” she appealed. “Let us give without expecting anything in return.”

At the end of the meeting, the beauty queen stated her intention to volunteer with Caritas after her reign as Miss Universe concludes.

Cardinal Tagle, who gifted Wurtzbach a rosary he had received from Pope Francis, described her as “a towering figure” and thanked her for her support that would especially help “young people in need of education”.

It was announced after the meeting that Miss Universe had donated a wealth of branded clothing items and bags that will be auctioned off to raise funds for the ongoing work of Caritas in the Philippines.

Just last November, pictures emerged to reveal the depth of faith felt by Wutrzbach. Catching the backstage tension at the 2014 competition, which saw her come in second place, the pictures show Wurtzbach clinging to the base of a crucifix in silent prayer as the final judging took place.


In a message accompanying the picture when it emerged, Wurtzbach said: “Sometimes we forget to simply say thank you. Too often we pray when we’re in the dark but do we also pray to say thank you when we’re okay? Don’t forget to say thank you…So guys, don’t lose hope. [Jesus] has a plan for you. You just have to have faith in yourself and in him. And together you will find your destiny. Just like I did. I’m still a work in progress but I’ll never forget the true power he holds and will always hold.”

Caritas Manila will not be the only charity to benefit from Wurtzbach in the run-up to the Miss Universe competition. Local media reports that she has also launched her own competition for pageant fans who dream of wearing the coveted crown. In return for a $10 donation to the Cordaid development charity, Wurtzbach has pledged to pick a winner who will walk the red carpet with her on the night – January 30 – and, during the dress rehearsal, will be crowned by her.

Cordaid works to help women and girls in 22 countries in the developing world, backing education, business start-ups, and health programmes.