Mass experience boosted by tighter timetable

Mass experience boosted by tighter timetable Msgr Joseph McGuinness

Dramatic changes to Mass times in Clogher diocese are already starting to pay dividends in terms of worshippers’ experience, diocesan administrator Msgr Joseph McGuinness has said.

Noting that the changes, rolled out across the diocese earlier this month in response to declining numbers of clergy have been generally well received, Msgr McGuinness said it is clear that the great majority of people understand the reality of the situation facing the diocese.

This involves both challenge and opportunity, he told The Irish Catholic.

“We are beginning to see enhanced liturgical celebrations, due to fuller churches and a renewed sense that we come together as a Christian people at Mass, wherever it is celebrated,” he said.

“Furthermore, we look forward to engaging with priests and laity over the coming months concerning the development of lay-led prayer and liturgies for a variety of occasions in our churches,” he added. “We pray that this spirit of collaboration will continue to grow in all our parishes.”

Msgr McGuinness’s comments come against the background of a petition having been signed by over 400 people to reinstate Masses in the Church of the Sacred Heart in Boho, Co. Fermanagh. Under the new diocesan arrangements, Masses in the parish of Botha alternate on a weekly basis between Boho and the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Monea, 11km away. Masses at the parish’s third church in Derrygonnelly have not been affected by the changes.