Let’s keep things simple

Dear Editor, I was impressed with what Fr Joe McDonald had to say (IC 38/05/2015 ‘Dublin priest lashes Church leaders on referendum’). May I say thanks to David Quinn and the many people like him who did great work in advance of the referendum.

I am not very well educated in my Catholic faith but I love my Church. I see it as a simple Church to understand and that understanding starts with prayer, my love for the Mass, the rosary and its mysteries.

Most of our people do not know the Ten Commandments. This is where our problems start. We are not preaching the simple things. How often have you heard a priest promote the rosary or talk about the commandments or explain the Mass. Priests and lay people must go out on the streets, knock on the doors and promote this great product. Leave the management of the parish and church to the lay people. Bishops and priests, lead your people in apostolic works. Don’t get complicated, keep it simple.

Yours etc.,

Sean Kavanagh,


Co. Wexford.