It’s time to see eggs as a key health food

Eggs are often demonised by modern-day diet fads and misinformed medical advice

Despite being one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, eggs are often demonised by modern-day diet fads and misinformed medical advice.

Apart from being inexpensive, eggs are a superfood packed with large amounts of beneficial protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are vital for overall health and wellbeing. 

Eggs get a thumbs up for protein quality because they provide a wealth of amino acids that are used by the body to repair muscle tissue broken down by exercise. They have the second-highest concentration after milk of leucine, which is the most important amino acid for building muscle.

Choline is supplied in the egg yolk and is used by the body to make a critical neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which improves cognition. Optimising the neurotransmitters also improves motivation and focus.


In addition, choline helps the liver to detoxify and avoid accumulating fat, which is essential for optimal liver function.

The superior amino acid profile that eggs contain aids the preservation of lean muscle, which is a primary promoter of bone health.

Additionally, eggs contain two key vitamins involved in strengthening bones: vitamins D and K. Because both are fat-soluble vitamins, consuming eggs provides a highly bio-available source that allows for maximum absorption and use by the body.

Along with aiding in bone formation, vitamin K is used for blood coagulation, and you surely know that vitamin D is involved in everything from cancer prevention to preventing body fat gain.

Here are just some of the array of health benefits eggs boast, and a few reasons you should consider adding them to your diet:

* Improved concentration.

* Helping maintain healthy weight.

* Boosting brain development.

* Improving eyesight.

* Preventing blood clots.

* Strengthening bones.

* Helping to maintain healthy hair and skin.

Despite the benefits, many people maintain the opinion that eggs are packed with saturated fat and cholesterol. 

The truth is, however, that eating foods which contain cholesterol doesnít increase your blood cholesterol levels. In fact, in healthy people, cholesterol is auto-regulated which means that, if you eat more cholesterol one day, then your body produces less, and vice versa.

So the fear of heart disease and high cholesterol that is related to eating eggs is a throwback to previous times when we had less data and faulty theories about cardiovascular health. 

The bottom line is that eggs are not the deciding factor in high cholesterol, plaque build-up or heart disease ñ refined and processed foods are.

Ultimately, eggs are an excellent protein source that can be included in every balanced diet for optimal body composition and health.