In Brief

In Brief Saint Pope John Paul II
Church dismay at ‘neglected’ Indian schools report

Church leaders in India have voiced concerns over a recent survey on education which found almost half of government-run schools have no electricity or playgrounds. In its report, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development (HRD) says 40% of government schools lack infrastructure – classrooms, libraries and laboratories.

“The government has repeatedly neglected education for unknown reasons,” said Fr Joseph Manipadam, secretary of the Indian Catholic Bishops’ Office for Education.

“Every year the government earmarks a huge amount of money for education and most times the funds are misused or underused, but with the new findings we hope things will improve.”


New diocese created in Nigeria for bishop

A new diocese has been established in Nigeria with the first appointed bishop being named by Pope Francis last week.

The announcement of the Diocese of Ekwulobia in Amambra State was presented at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Awka and will be led by Bishop Peter Ebere Okpaleke.

The Ekwulobia diocese, according to Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor of Awka, was formed from part of the territory of Awka diocese and would cover Akpu, Ekwuluobia and Achina regions.

“It is a great relief,” he said. “Here in Awka Diocese we have the highest number of priests and Awka is too big for one person to handle.”


Canonisation process for parents of Polish Pope begins

The canonisation process for the parents of St Pope John Paul II has started following an announcement by the Archbishop of Krakow Marek Jędraszewski on March 11.

The faithful are being asked to forward any documents, letters or messages concerning Emilia Wojtyła née Kaczorowska and Karol Wojtyła to the investigation Metropolitan Curia by May 7.

Fr Andrzej Scąber, canonisation officer, said there are “many texts that confirm that they were exceptional people” and that Pope Francis described the Wojtyła family as “saints from the neighbourhood”.

The Polish Bishops’ Conference and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome gave their approval last October.


New German Church leader supports ordaining women

The new leader of the Catholic Church in Germany has made clear his intention to back women deacons as part of the synodal procedure for Church reform.

Bishop Georg Bätzing, 58, said he was convinced that the most important challenge of his six-year term as president of the German Bishops’ Conference would be women’s equality in the Church.

“That is where the Church really has a backlog,” said Bätzing of the issue last week.

He mentioned if, at the end of the two-year procedure, members decided to apply to Pope Francis for a resolution in favour of women deacons, that he was prepared to “convey that to Rome”.


Philippine bishop asks Catholics to postpone pilgrim trips

A Philippines Church official has made a plea to Catholics to rethink going on overseas pilgrimages due to the spread of the coronavirus.

Bishop Ruperto Santos of Balanga suggested last week that all pilgrimages should be postponed until the virus has been contained.

The government, who recently declared a state of public health emergency in the country, are also calling on its citizens to avoid trips to the Holy Land and other religious sites.

“What we have to do is pray more,” said Santos, asking the faithful to “be more cautious with our personal hygiene and always follow the medical directives of our government officials.”