Immediate need to establish a lay funeral ministry

Immediate need to establish a lay funeral ministry

Dear Editor, To cope with the diminishing and ageing celibate priesthood, there is an urgent need to lift as much as possible from some of the many liturgical duties that we expect them to lead us. Once such duty is funerals. Even in his diminishing strength and health we ask our beloved priest to come with the grieving faithful to the burial place in all kinds of weather. And our funerals are not few. 

There is an immediate need to establish a lay funeral ministry that would relieve the elderly priest of the physically demanding graveyard service. Parishes have very suitable elders who could reverently fulfil this ecclesial end of life service for his beloved fellow parishioners.

Let’s show immediate consideration for the health of our beloved parish priest and bring him this very helpful assistance.

Yours etc.,

Domhnall De Burca,

Cork city