House of Prayer is faithful to Church

Dear Editor, Cathal Barry’s article “Church should excommunicate House of Prayer founder – claim” (IC 30/10/14) was an outrageous attempt to cause sensationalism on such a serious issue.

Excommunication is a word not to be invoked lightly. It denies the person the sacraments, especially Holy Communion. To use this word merely to create a sensational headline is surprising in a Catholic newspaper! If facts had been investigated, it would have been discovered that there is absolutely no veracity to these claims.

Christina Gallagher and her spiritual director Fr McGinnity have always upheld and unswervingly professed the Catholic faith. The messages given to Christina by Jesus and Our Lady contain nothing but Catholic truth and doctrine. They are a call to repentance, Confession, Mass and the praying of the rosary is encouraged.

The claim that miracles attributed to the House of Prayer are unverified is also mistaken. There have been hundreds of healings, several of which have been verified by medical professionals as being without medical explanation and meeting Church requirements in declaring a miracle.

The article also failed to mention that Cardinal Brady has refused to meet with those who oppose the House of Prayer because Fr McGinnity has not broken any Church or civil law and is free to be associated with the House of Prayer.

Yours etc.,

Martina Caffrey,


Co. Meath.