Hear no evil, say no evil – IC poll

Hear no evil, say no evil – IC poll

It seems like IC readers are tight-lipped when it comes to spreading rumours or hearsay, given that most believe that gossip is wrong.

On the newspaper’s Facebook page, online users were asked: Pope Francis has denounced gossip as a “form of terrorism”. Is he right, or is gossip just a bit of harmless fun so long as no-one gets hurt? Is it ever right for Christians to gossip? Vote and let us know what you think in the comments.”

Out of 221 people who voted, 198 respondents said that gossiping is wrong, which represents almost 90% of voters. The figure enormously outnumbers that 23 respondents who opted for the option that gossip is “harmless fun”.

Arguing that gossip is perfectly appropriate depending on the content and context, one commenter said: “Harmless gossip forms the backbone of most conversations between family, friends and acquaintances. I’m not talking about spiteful, mean-spirited bile meant to cause hurt and offence.”