I was saddened to learn that the Capuchin Day Centre had been singled out for criticism by a Sunday newspaper in an apparent attempt to build on the disturbing financial news coming from the Central Remedial Clinic. The mistake made by the paper in question – if it was a mistake – was to assume that a figure of the stature of Br Kevin Crowley could be judged similarly to figures for whom the primary concern in their ‘charitable pursuits’ was their exceedingly generous pension pots.
Perhaps, for world-weary journalists, the Day Centre’s mission of giving without taking stretches credibility too far in our ‘have it all’ era. I suggest a visit to the centre would do much to restore faith in the best of people, with Br Kevin being a ‘first among equals’.
I have donated to the Capuchin Day Centre for many years having seen first-hand the great and selfless work that is carried out there for those who have lost everything. I will continue to do so, regardless of muck-raking journalism.
Yours etc.,
Kevin McQuaid,
Dublin 1.