To celebrate the 14th centenary of the death of St Columban, members of the Friends of St Columban are planning to run the Women’s Mini Marathon to raise money for homeless charities.
The Friends of St Columban is a group of lay people and Columban missionaries inspired by St Columban’s love of Christ, who try to live out his motto “Let us be Christ’s not our own” in their everyday lives.
Through the Columban Centre the group reachs out to the needy and marginalised in the spirit of St Columban by supporting migrants, helping them to adjust to their new environment and offering language classes.
The Friends of St Columban is fundraising this year to support homeless people in Dublin. The group is looking for sponsorship for members taking part in the Women’s Mini Marathon. Funds raised will be shared between the charity Inner City Helping Homeless and the Columban Centre in Dublin as part of their work in ‘Welcoming the Stranger’.
For more information contact the Columban Centre at 13 Store Street, Dublin 1 on 01-8942978 or by email on: