Four new Lay Dominicans were professed at a ceremony in the chapel of St Dominic’s Convent, Falls Road, Belfast on May 21.
The new lay members of the Order of Preachers are: Ms Margaret McLean OP, Ms Monica Dynan OP, Mr Brendan Kelly OP and Mr John McBride OP.
They belong to the Immaculate Heart of Mary & St Malachy Chapter which is based in St Brigid’s Parish in south Belfast. Fr Martin Graham PP, Christ the Redeemer, Dunmurry, presided at the ceremony and celebrated Mass at the Immaculate Heart.
Mr Martin O’Brien OP, President of the Immaculate Heart & St Malachy Chapter, described the professions as “a moment of great grace and great joy on the cusp of the great feast of Pentecost”.