Facebook Community

Facebook Community
Each week we publish a selection of comments from The Irish Catholic Facebook page.


Should Ireland offer asylum to Asia Bibi?
  • Her family needs somewhere safe to recover from the ordeal they have all been through. It would also be a recognition that Christians are persecuted and need refuge. – Bairbre Cahill
  • Can’t see the Leo-led FG government offering her asylum as she is a Catholic. We all know what this Government thinks of Catholics. – John Taaffe 
  • Yes, because she is a Christian fleeing persecution and Ireland should reach out to persecuted Christians and help them. – Nuala Lynch 
  • She should be offered asylum irrespective of her religion, Ireland has acknowledged that blasphemy is not a crime, this woman cannot live in Pakistan, there is no issue about that. – Peter Hinchliffe


Should RTÉ continue to broadcast the Angelus?
  • I’m voting STOP because after a vote for extreme abortion promoted by RTÉ, retaining it is utterly hypocritical and indeed insulting because there’s no Faith behind it. – Charles Glenn
  • It is our call to prayer as Catholics. Do not touch the Angelus! – Mary Duffy
  • The lunatics have taken over the asylum. I am glad my grandparents are not alive today to see the absolute shambles Éire has become. – Marion Smith
  • I think the bishops have once again let us down by supporting a ‘Yes’ vote regarding the blasphemy removal. They could have at least stayed neutral. – Mark McIntyre 
  • We will probably see an acceleration on the attacks on our Faith now because the people who don’t share our Faith feel totally justified. We all need to enter the public arena and defend it. – Nuala Lynch
  • The gas thing is the one subject in this country where you can say and call what you like is Catholicism, try doing the same with other topics and religions and see what happens. – Daragh Harmon 
  • It’s a chance to stop for a few minutes to realise that there is a God who loves us so much he sent his son into a dark, dark world, very much what it is like today. It is a chance to realise that good, truth and justice will prevail and once again fills us with hope. – Angela Quinn