Eighth Amendment saves lives – LoveBoth

Eighth Amendment saves lives – LoveBoth

A prominent pro-life group has said that if abortion on demand is introduced, “thousands” more abortions will happen in Ireland every year.

Earlier in Dublin today, the LoveBoth campaign gathered together individuals and families whose lives have been saved by the Eighth Amendment. They gave a direct message to Irish people as they go to the polls on Friday – “When you vote, think of us, the lives saved by the Eighth Amendment and reject the Government’s extreme abortion proposal.”

Commenting on the press event, Clare McCarthy of LoveBoth said: “Today we have a young man, Gavin Boyne, who is alive because the Eighth Amendment restricted abortion on demand.  We have Mary Kenny, whose baby Hollie is alive because the Eighth Amendment restricted abortion on demand and we have Martin McBreen talking about how his daughter Grace is alive due to the protections in the Eighth Amendment – all these people and their stories should be at the forefront of voters’ minds as they enter the polling station on Friday.”

She added that without the constitutional provision, many children will not have the chance to be born, to be part of our community and to contribute to our future, stressing that the Government is asking the electorate to support extreme abortion on demand.

“Today’s stories are from people alive thanks to the Eighth Amendment and when people go to the polling station on Friday, we want them to remember Gavin, Hollie, Grace and thousands more like them. The only way to protect lives, prevent the tragic loss of Irish citizens and to stop Simon Harris’s extreme abortion on demand plan is by voting ‘No’ on Friday.”