Dublin’s heritage of churches

Dublin’s heritage of churches The magnificent St Andrew's Church on Westland Row in Dublin.
A Walking Tour of Dublin Churches

by Liam C. Martin (Veritas, €7.99)

Artist Liam C. Martin was a very popular delineator of Dublin and other places, who died in1998. It is nice to see his little book back in print, for such a thing is much needed.

Also available is a new Sightseeing Map of Dublin’s Historic Churches (Veritas, gratis) which is available over the counter in Veritas outlets or on purchase of Liam C. Martin’s booklet.

However, the Diocese of Dublin through its parish structures does almost nothing to use the open churches of the city as a means of prodding information not about the church itself so much but about Catholicism in general. Suburban hushes seem to think they never get visitors.

What a contrast this is to so many churches in France, where a priest is always present, often in a glassed-in private area, where he can see and be seen. He is there to provide not only information but counselling and guidance.

Perhaps in future the Catholic Church should think of the few parish priests it has as pastors, and have the administration of the parish and the care of the property done entirely by others.