A child is a child, no matter the argument

Dear Editor, Subsequent to the concert at Manchester Arena, outrage was expressed worldwide in the media at the deliberate targeting of the innocent.

Among the dead and injured were a sizeable number of young and teenaged children. Some of them were accompanied by parents to act as guardians in getting them there, ensuring to the best of their ability that they would be safe throughout the concert, and getting them home safely, having made happy memories that would remain a highlight of their young lives. Having detonated the device the bomber was amongst those who died. Had he survived he would have served a long prison sentence.

What concerns me is the lack of condemnation when it comes to the deliberate targeting of pre-born vulnerable, innocent children during an abortion procedure. I try to imagine what must take place to carry out this outrageous act. The child in the womb is scanned, is visible on screen to the abortionist and s/he terminates the life of the child by one of the various methods we read about. This is done with the approval of the child’s mother and, at times, that of the father.

The Manchester outrage, was termed deliberate, indiscriminate, mass murder. Abortion is a targeted, deliberate killing of a vulnerable child who will never see daylight never mind enjoy an exciting pop concert. Abortions, like suicide bombings, require the participation of more than one person to complete the task.

When will the media, which dispatches reporters to the troubled areas of the world to report back in a balanced way, the outrages they observe, not now get to grips with the wealthy abortion industry and call it to account. There is an on-going holocaust of pre-born children taking place worldwide today!

Yours etc.,

D.A. Martin,

Raheny, Dublin 5