Charity calls on local authorities to ensure families get housed

Charity calls on local authorities to ensure families get housed

Focus Ireland have warned that despite the number of people in homelessness dropping in December, there was a 14% increase in homelessness over the last year.

Focus Ireland CEO Pat Dennigan said: “The fall in homelessness in December is very welcome and we hope this trend continues. However, it would be remiss of us not to highlight that this comes against the backdrop of an appalling increase of 14% during the last year alone.”

Focus Ireland attributed December’s fall in homelessness to more effective efforts by local authorities in ensuring that families who are long-term homeless get a fair share of the new social houses coming on stream.

The charity said that the positive news of a drop in December is a direct result of the hard work of local authorities, approved housing bodies and front-line services, including Focus Ireland and Focus Housing Association which have made their own significant contribution.

Mr. Dennigan added: “Focus Ireland has repeatedly called on local authorities to be more proactive in ensuring that families trapped in homelessness get offered a fairer share of the homes that are coming on stream. The fact that local authorities at last moved in this direction in December is to be strongly welcomed. However, it is essential that this approach is not just for one month but continues on a long-term basis.’’