Category: TV & Radio

Government messes and slippery slopes

Media debates can be frustrating when people are talking at cross purposes, misunderstanding or misrepresenting each other and generally being illogical. These thoughts were prompted by Today with Claire Byrne (RTÉ Radio 1, Tuesday), when the topic was the proposed reduction in welfare contributions to Ukrainians here since the beginning of the war – the…

Bambie, booing, and bullying

Some days I get more confused than others – it could be the weather; it could be the politics but Wednesday of last week it was the law. Listening sleepily to Morning Ireland (RTÉ Radio 1) I heard an interview with Padraic Jones, Chief Superintendent of Community Engagement with An Garda Síochána on foot of…

Clashes between government and the governed

So many modern controversies involve clashes between conscience and state, between the Government and the governed, between conflicting world views. Issues of Conscience v. the State were central to the Terrence Malick film A Hidden Life (Channel 4, Sunday) – the true story of Catholic conscientious objector Franz Jagerstatter in Austria during World War II.…

RTÉ bias on abortion on full show

So many important matters were teased out in the media last week – it’s challenging to have a life and keep on top of it all! There was a telling interview on Drivetime (RTÉ Radio 1, Friday). Cormac Ó hEadhra interviewed the Iranian Ambassador and pressed him hard on Iranian support for Hamas. The surprising…

Heretics, wafflers and original podcasts

Podcasts aren’t quite radio but they’re close – the lines are blurred. Some podcasts are original, living only on the hosting platforms like Spotify, others are really just playback options from regular radio broadcasting. A relatively new kid on the Podcast block is State of the Nation, presented by former The Irish Catholic editor Michael…