Category: Comment & Analysis

Israel’s efforts to make peace are constantly rebuffed

It is outrageous to draw a moral equivalence between terrorists and Israel acting to protect its citizens, writes Ze’ev Boker Ze’ev Boker It was with interest but also with disappointment that I read the opinion piece by Baroness Nuala O’Loan on Israel and the Palestinians in The Irish Catholic (Peace remains fragile in the Holy…

Peace remains fragile in the Holy Land

“Most Palestinians live peacefully, as best they can in what is left to them of their homeland, but it gets harder and harder to make a living”, writes Nuala O’Loan As I write this I am sitting close to the shore of the Sea of Galilee, having spent several wonderful, challenging days in the Holy…

Pope wants Europe to rethink refugee policy

We have a responsibility to ease the burden on countries that are immediate neighbours to war-torn regions, writes David Quinn Europe is currently embroiled in the greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War. It has been precipitated by the collapse of authority in Libya, and in large parts of Iraq and, of course, by…

And the  women also… Women deacons for Ireland?

Calling women as deacons is at least worth talking about Phyllis Zagano The early Church had a problem. As it grew, the apostles could not attend to all its ministries. As Pope Francis said, when speaking to assembled bishops in Philadelphia, last September, the apostles essentially ‘invented’ the diaconate. The beginnings of the diaconate related…

In the name of the whole Church

The Church teaches that ecclesiastical ministry is exercised in different degrees, writes Cathal Barry The ministerial priesthood has the task not only of representing Christ before the assembly of the faithful, but also of acting in the name of the whole Church when presenting to God the prayer of the Church, and above all when…

Demonising others is not the way of human maturity

In a recent article in America magazine, Grant Kaplan, commenting on the challenge of the Resurrection, makes this comment: “Unlike previous communities in which the bond among members forges itself through those it excludes and scapegoats, the gratuity of the Resurrection allows for a community shaped by forgiven-forgivers.” What he is saying, among other things,…

The Mercy jubilee’s mixed fortunes

“Based on the numbers, the Year of Mercy is proving to be extremely dissatisfying from Rome’s point of view”, writes Editor Michael Kelly It would be both unfair and untrue to call the jubilee year of mercy a flop, but it’s not going to be anything like the Great Jubilee of 2000. I was in…

Giving RTÉ credit where it is due

“RTÉ clearly takes the responsibility of connecting people with this faith experience very seriously”, writes Editor Michael Kelly RTÉ is often roundly (and rightly) criticised for an apparent hostility towards faith and Catholicism in particular. Many people saw the disgraceful 2011 defamation of Fr Kevin Reynolds as confirmation of bias, or even an anti-Catholic agenda,…