Category: World Report

French and S. African theologians win Ratzinger Prize

Pope Francis has selected a French Jesuit theologian and a Jewish law professor as winners of the Ratzinger Prize. The winners for 2022, announced by the Vatican October 7, are: Jesuit Fr Michel Fédou, professor of dogmatic theology and patristics at the Centre Sèvres of Paris and dean of the faculty of theology. He is…

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In Brief

New cardinals appointed as members of dicasteries Pope Francis appointed several recently created cardinals to be members of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia, the Vatican announced. Among the new appointments announced by the Vatican October 7 was Cardinal Robert McElroy of San Diego, who will serve as a member of the Dicastery for Laity,…

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Vatican Roundup

Tourist detained after toppling busts at Vatican Museums tourist who toppled two ancient Roman busts in the Vatican Museums has been handed over to Italian police, the Vatican said. The vandalism occurred October 5 when the tourist, identified by several Italian media outlets as an American man, threw down two marble busts from their pedestals…

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Nicaraguan president calls Church ‘dictatorship’ and bishops ‘murderers’

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega blasted Catholic leaders as a “gang of murderers,” in comments amping up persecution of the Church and scorning Pope Francis’ call for dialogue in the Central American country. In a fiery address, Ortega took aim at Nicaragua’s Catholic bishops for promoting democracy as an exit from the country’s political crisis, alleging…

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Russian bishops: Nation must recognise conscientious objection to war

Russia’s bishops said Catholics face dilemmas responding to a mass call-up for the war in Ukraine, and they urged President Vladimir Putin’s government to recognise conscientious objection. “The confrontation in Ukraine has grown into a full-scale military conflict and already claimed thousands of lives, undermining trust and unity between countries and peoples, and threatening the…

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