Category: World Report

Vatican Roundup

 New bishops need to prepare for a life filled with God’s surprises, with daily plans that change at the last minute and, especially, for a life dedicated to spending time with God and with the people, Pope Francis has said. “God surprises us…

In Brief

Priests ‘unable’ to comply with new Confession law The leader of Tasmania’s Catholic Church has said priests in his archdiocese will not comply with a law that would require them to break the seal of Confession to report suspected child abuse. The law, passed last week, makes religious ministers mandatory reporters of child sexual abuse,…

Zambian Church pleads for end to xenophobic ‘chaos’

Zambia’s bishops have urged South African leaders to do more to stop xenophobic attacks, and a South African archbishop has warned of a rising tide of hatred and violence in the country. “Xenophobia and its resultant chaos are not just criminal but cruel, barbaric and abominable,” Zambia’s bishops said in a September 7 statement titled,…

Catholic charities storm in after Hurricane Dorian destruction

With Hurricane Dorian leaving widespread destruction in the Bahamas last week, Catholic agencies are coordinating response efforts for those affected by the storm. “The devastation, especially on Abaco and Grand Bahama, is significant,” said Nikki Gamer, media relations manager for Catholic Relief Services. Dorian slammed into the Bahamas as a Category 5 hurricane on September…

Costa Ricans take to the street to defend life

Thousands participated in Saturday’s March for Life in the Costa Rican capital, urging that the president not sign a technical regulation for the performance of therapeutic abortion. The event was organised by Wake Up Costa Rica, Democracy in Action, and the Autonomous University of Central America. Joining the march were politicians who urged President Carlos…

French Church upgrades abuse investigation process

The chief Paris prosecutor and the French capital’s archbishop have struck an agreement allowing faster investigations into alleged sexual abuse by clergy. Last Thursday’s accord came as more people in France are coming forward about past sexual wrongdoing by priests, and after repeated scandals pushed the French Catholic Church to step up efforts to address…

Brazilian govt should not fear Amazon synod

With a month to go before the start of the Synod of Bishops for Amazon, retired Bishop Erwin Krautler of Xingu said the Brazilian government should not fear the discussions to be held in Rome. “The synod is for and by the bishops. Discussions will involve Church issues, not sovereign state issues,” Bishop Krautler said…

Vatican Roundup

96 Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, a long-time Vatican official and papal envoy who was sent to some of the world’s most wounded and challenging places, died in France on September 4. He was 96. The French cardinal also played key roles in ecumenical relations, including with the late Orthodox Patriarch Alexy…

In Brief

Hungarian Church to set up abuse prevention system Hungary’s Catholic Church says those anyone “proven” to have abused minors has “no place in the priesthood”. In a statement released last Thursday, the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference said the country’s Church is setting up a permanent system for reporting mistreatment or sexual abuse by people in…