Category: Feature

A strange time of waiting

100 years on.. Catholic voters had to wait a fortnight to learn the results of the 1918 election, writes Gabriel Doherty Following several months of feverish military and political activity, punctuated by a series of authentically earth-shattering events, The Irish Catholic, in its number for the week ending Saturday, December 21, 1918, registered a sudden…

Ireland’s medieval pilgrims

The Camino de Santiago was a very different experience in the Middle Ages, writes Greg Daly   A biography of Red Hugh O’Donnell, written a few years after the Gaelic lord’s death in 1602, made much of how the earl had visited Breóghan’s Tower in A Coruña on his arrival in Spain in the aftermath of…

Hoping for an American answer

100 years on… This paper felt Europe’s best hope after the Great War lay with the US president, writes Gabriel Doherty   For several weeks prior to the week ending Saturday December 14, 1918 the pages of The Irish Catholic had been dominated by preparations for the forthcoming general election. With the ballots for same…

A marriage fit for God

The dramatic marriage between Mary and Joseph was a ground-breaking moment in history, writes Colm Fitzpatrick   When we think of an image of Mary and Joseph together, the first picture that usually comes to mind is the nativity scene in the stable or perhaps the flight to Egypt from King Herod, but often forgotten…

A youthful mission

Advent is an ideal time to remember why we have the Faith we do, writes Tony Foy   Did you ever think that we would get to the stage that Ireland needs missionaries? We all celebrate Christmas but somehow, recently, we have forgotten why. I am the Director of a Catholic mission of young people…

Journeying to Bethlehem

The star that guided the Magi guides us today, writes Paula Freney   In my family, the Christmas season always began with the crib being taken down from the attic, out of its cardboard box, and placed on the mantlepiece in our front room. It was bought before my parents’ first Christmas together, a small,…

An unscrupulous, ill-timed election

100 years on… The once dominant home rulers had no answers to the big questions facing Ireland in 1918, writes Gabriel Doherty   We now know that the armistice of November 11, 1918 marked the end of hostilities of World War I, even if legally the conflict did not end until the ratification of the…