Cardinals’ disloyalty is sowing doubt – C9 chief

Cardinals’ disloyalty is sowing doubt – C9 chief Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga

Ordinary Catholics support Pope Francis, the head of Pope’s ‘kitchen cabinet’ has said, criticising Cardinal Raymond Burke, who in 2014 Pope Francis removed from his position as head of the Apostolic Signura, as “a disappointed man” who “wanted power and lost it”.

Describing opponents of the Holy Father as “proud” and “arrogant”, Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, coordinator of the Pontiff’s Council of Cardinal Advisers, took issue with how Cardinal Burke and three other cardinals have publicly questioned the Pope’s teaching in Amoris Laetitia.

“I think that one of the qualities we cardinals [should have] is loyalty.  Even if we don’t all think the same way, we still have to be loyal to Peter,” he said, adding that whoever withholds their loyalty, “is just seeking attention”.

“The greatest problem…is the disorientation that’s created among people when they read affirmations of bishops and cardinals against the Holy Father.”