Breathing life into the embers of Faith

Breathing life into the embers of Faith All Hallows College

Over 250 young people gathered at All Hallows College in Drumcondra, Dublin, over the weekend of August 20-21 for a conference organised by the Legion of Mary on the theme of how Mary fires up the spirit in our souls.

Among the speakers at the conference was Roger Buck, an American-born convert to Catholicism from the ‘New Age’ movement, who spoke about that movement’s ‘me culture’, and explained how he had moved to Ireland in the belief that the embers of the Faith are still alive here, but need to be rekindled.

Other speakers included the Catholic artist Will Nathan, Fr Pat Collins and Sr Consilio who spoke on the role of Mary in her life.

Prof. Ray Kinsella made a case for how we should reimagine the economic horizon with reference to the family and Catholic social teaching, Prof. Vincent Twomey spoke about Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, while Don Devaney, the organiser of the Divine Mercy Conference, spoke on the need for loving kindness in this year of mercy.

Kildare and Leighlin’s Bishop Denis Nulty spoke on the need for young Catholics to evangelise their peers going through the narrow door of Jesus.