Bishops must back young evangelists – primate

Bishops must back young evangelists – primate Archbishop Eamon Martin

The Church must find ways to help young people share the Christian message, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh has said.

Speaking to around 8,500 young people at the Flame 2019 conference in London, the Primate of All-Ireland described how in Rome last year at the synod on young people he admitted that he finds it difficult to connect with young people who have drifted away from the Church. In response, he said, a young woman told him that young Christians should be empowered to reach out to their peers.

Dr Martin described this as one of his “best ‘take-homes’” from the synod.

“You don’t want simply to be the objects of evangelisation and pastoral ministry in the Church; you want to be agents of evangelisation and mission to each other and, indeed, to the whole world,” he said.

Young people can be active participants in the new evangelisation, he said, if bishops “can find ways to accompany you on your personal journey of holiness, and if we can form and support you along the way”.