Bishop speaks on abortion case

Britain – An English archbishop has praised the British government for seeking clarification of a decision not to prosecute two doctors who agreed to abortions on the grounds of gender.

Archbishop Peter Smith of Southwark issued a statement after Jeremy Hunt, secretary of state for health, questioned the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the organisation that decides v cases should proceed to court, not to bring criminal cases against the doctors.

“Many people are rightly very concerned about the CPS decision not to prosecute in the case of the doctors who were willing to conduct abortion as a means of gender selection, and I welcome the intervention of the health secretary,” said Archbishop Smith, vice president of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and chairman of the bishops’ Department of Christian Responsibility and Citizenship.

“Abortion is always an injustice to the child who is unwanted, and sex selection through abortion is just one expression of that injustice,” he said in the statement last week.