Beware of ‘treachery’ at the synod

Dear Editor, As we approach next month’s Synod of Bishops on the family, one needs to be careful which side one chooses to take in all this.

In relation to the Kasper proposal, Cardinal Kasper and others are putting forward a proposal for changes to allow divorced and ‘remarried’ Catholics to receive Holy Communion and to recognise the value of homosexual unions. This is a complete contradiction of traditional Church teaching.

It is wrong even to discuss or consider these changes. It is an act of treachery to think of implementing them.

This is put forward as an act of ‘mercy’ by some but to deny biblical truth or the words of Our Lord can never be done in the name of mercy. Is this mercy or deception?

In this Year of Mercy is it going to be pushed far beyond its limitations and used out of context to justify wrongful changes to Church teaching?

If this proposal is carried can one say that the sixth commandment is still valid as adultery will no longer be seen as wrong? In other words you cannot have your loaf and eat it.

Another question that arises here is what is the view of the Irish Bishops? There seems to be a deafening silence on the matter here. What way would they vote had they an opportunity to do so?

The Church has a duty to inform its people on the rights and wrongs of this and no churchman in his right senses could even consider supporting it. A statement from the Irish Bishops would be welcome.

Yours etc., 

Michael Walsh,

Woodford, Co. Galway.