Archbishop Neary should listen to Christina Gallagher

Dear Editor, The story on Archbishop Michael Neary in The Irish Catholic of November 13 makes for grim reading: “Church has ‘lost the battle’ with secularism”. Sadly, one would have to agree with his assessment.

It’s such a pity that our Church leaders did not take heed of our Blessed Mother’s request to have the rosary said in our homes and in our churches. As far back as 1988, she had been appearing to Christina Gallagher when she instructed her to set up a House of Prayer where the rosary would be taught as Our Lady had taught it to her.

The late Bishop Cassidy of Tuam opened and dedicated the house on July 16, 1993, saying that it would be “a powerhouse of prayer” for priests and religious. That his successor, the present Archbishop of Tuam, withdrew the right to offer Mass or have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament there has been a great loss to the hundreds of pilgrims who visit the house.

What a loss it has been to our country that our Blessed Mother’s request was not heeded. How different Ireland might be if that had been done.

Yours etc.,

Patricia Mullin,

Malin Head, Co. Donegal.