Archbishop Martin: We need ‘an honest and open conversation’ about migration

Archbishop Martin: We need ‘an honest and open conversation’ about migration

In his St Patrick’s Day message, Archbishop of Armagh Eamon Martin said the “legitimate anxieties” that exist in society in relation to the implications of immigration need to be recognised in order for the conversation to “move away from the extremes” and become a normal part of civil and political discourse in both the north and south of the country.

Archbishop Martin said Ireland – north and south – needed an honest and open conversation about migration, “both outward and inward”.

“How can we truly become an island of belonging and hope where our own young people, health workers and teachers want to stay, and where others want to come and live among us,” he said.

Archbishop Martin said such an important discussion would only “move away from the extremes” when legitimate anxieties are recognised and there is a resolve to tackle the immense challenges of providing affordable homes and services for all at national and community level.