Archbishop Farrell: ‘Endurance and tenacity’ of Stardust families has secured justice

Archbishop Farrell: ‘Endurance and tenacity’ of Stardust families has secured justice Photo: Darragh Mackin X account (Contact for credit)

Speaking in the Church of St Joseph the Artisan in Bonnybrook, Dublin on Sunday, Archbishop of Dublin Dr Dermot Farrell commended the families of the deceased victims of the Stardust nightclub tragedy for their “endurance and tenacity” in their unrelenting pursuit of the truth, even though, according to him, they were “systematically and stubbornly denied truth and justice”.

At the Mass for the 48 young people who died in the fire on February 14, 1981, Dr Farrell paid tribute to the “courage and persistence” of the survivors and families of the victims in their search for truth and justice, describing it as “dignified and inspirational”.

Taoiseach Simon Harris issued a formal apology on behalf of the State on Tuesday after a coroner’s jury reached verdicts of unlawful killing for the 48 young people, 43 years after the disaster, last week.