ACP criticism divides the Church

Dear Editor, I was disappointed to read your headline ‘Majority of priests ‘dissatisfied’ with new missal’ (Ic 12/6/14) but not surprised that it was generated by the Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) and based on a very small telephone poll of just 191 priests.

I find it very poor indeed to complain about the new translation when the revising work had gone on for over 20 years and very few complained throughout the process even when they saw samples of what would be the finished product. Yes, the new translation takes a little getting used to and is certainly not helped by the dreadful missal books produced for this island, but there is an incredible richness found in many of the prayers and texts which were not to be found in the 1970s translation. The new translation has also had the positive impact of causing priest and people to slow down and think about what they are saying and so has given a more reverential and prayerful experience than the old work which rolled off the tongue at an unseemly pace at times.

The Irish Church is in a sorry state for so many reasons and regular attendance in church is falling and so I find it incredulous that the ACP continues to pursue issues and agendas which serve to further divide the Church in Ireland and make people question what the Church is at.

I would respectfully suggest that the ACP look at how they can strengthen the faith and practice of the people rather than fermenting dissent and so find ways of helping those priests and communities who are struggling with the new translation to understand where the translation came from and how best to adapt to it, work which was carried out very well in other parts of the world.

Yours etc.,

Patrick J. Breen, O.Carm.

Terenure College,

Dublin 6W.