Abortion restrictions will be watered down

Dear Editor, In its enthusiasm to get The Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act 2013 off the ground, The Irish Times front page headline (First abortion carried out under new legislation, The Irish Times, August 23) proved to be previous resulting in an inner page apology.      

Despite the restrictive nature of the Act, over restrictive according to some pro-choice advocates, if we consider the example of jurisdictions where abortion became legal, the earlier restrictions were eventually liberalised.

David Steel, former MP, (now Lord Steel), regrets publicly how his Bill was watered down over time leading now in Britain to abortion virtually on demand. Likewise in the US the Roe Vs Wade enactment is the basis for abortion rights which vary from state to state.       

It is difficult not to be pessimistic contemplating the possible future trends here towards the easing of restrictions, and should this happen, the source will not be focussed on the unwieldy and inaccurate Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act 2013, which will be known simply as ‘The Kenny/Gilmore Act’.

Yours etc.,

Patrick Fleming,


Dublin 9.