A sour note on seminaries

Dear Editor, Michael Higgins’ ‘Letter from America’ (IC 25/09/2014) on reform of seminaries seems to me to strike a sour note. He is, of course, entitled to his opinion, but is it really fair to complain about seminarians because they are young, enthusiastic and pious? Personal holiness is surely a basic of seminarian formation. And even non-academic young men can be good priests.

Michael Higgins finds “massive deficiencies” in the current seminary curriculum, which he may rightly condemn as leading to careerism, if this is true. But on the other hand, he fails to really explain these deficiencies. Or is he suggesting that all seminarians should be devoid of youthful enthusiasm and that all priests should be worker priests?

Yours etc.,

Bríd Ní Rinn,

An Chorrchoill,

Co. Kildare.