A dragon to fire up St David’s Day

A dragon to fire up St David’s Day

St David’s Day is coming up on March 1. St David led a simple life and urged his followers to do the same. He abstained from luxuries which makes his feast day falling during Lent significant. As a vegetarian, he earned the nickname Dewi Ddyrwr which translates as the water drinker.

Many miracles are attributed to St David. Legend has it that when he was stood on a mound preaching to a crowd, a dove landed on his shoulder and the earth beneath him rose, lifting him high enough to carry his voice so he could be heard. He is also said to have returned a boy from the dead by splashing his face with tears and also for restoring a blind man’s sight.

Daffodils and leeks are symbols associated with St David’s feast day. In Ireland, the beginning of spring is marked with a St Brigid’s cross; in Wales it is marked with the daffodil.

The origin of the leek symbol comes from when St David advised the Britons to wear leeks in their hats to distinguish their own men from their enemies before going to battle with the Saxons.

This unusual tip proved to be successful leading to a great victory. Since then, it has been a tradition for Welsh people around the world wear leeks on his feast day and even eating a raw leek!


In 1120 St David was canonised by Pope Callactus II and following this, he was declared the patron saint of Wales.

While daffodils and leeks are the most popular symbols associated with St David’s Day, you can embrace Welsh culture by making this mini dragon to celebrate the occasion.

Cut the wings and feet out of some light coloured card and set aside. Use four long pipe cleaners per dragon.

Take one pipe cleaner and start with the head. Wrap it tightly round the handle of a fork to give it some shape, leave enough of the pipe cleaner for the neck. Take another pipe cleaner and twist this around the base of the neck to attach it. Twist the pipe cleaner round the handle of the fork again, leaving a piece for the tail. Take the remaining two pipe cleaners and cut in two.

Glue each to the sides of the body and twist to shape the legs. Glue the wings, feet and tail tip to the body and tail. Glue on a button or googly eye.