KYG will bring 3,500 young people to Knock on the Feast of the Holy Rosary
An invitation has gone out to all Transition Years and first year A-Level students to the Knock Youth Gathering (KYG) on Tuesday, October 7.
The purpose of KYG is to bring 3,500 young people (25 students from each school) to Knock on the Feast of the Holy Rosary to celebrate and deepen their faith.
An important part of this day will be testimonies from inspirational speakers, and the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown, will celebrate Mass.
Students must wear their school uniform and be accompanied by teachers.
Arrival time is no later than 11.30am and the departure time will be 4.30pm (approx). A packed lunch is essential, including soft drinks/water.
Booking enquiries to or call 087 9816653.