The head of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA) has welcomed a move by the State Claims Agency to provide insurance for schools used as polling stations.
Fr Tom Deenihan told The Irish Catholic that Catholic schools “have always been happy to offer their schools, which are mostly built on private property, for this civic function”.
“Their only concern has been that this offer would not expose such schools to the risk of litigation or would increase their insurance.
“Hopefully, this will result in an agreed protocol concerning indemnity for schools in relation to claims while the school is being used by the State as a polling station for future elections,” he said.
This newspaper revealed last month that already under-funded Catholic schools were facing soaring insurance premiums as a result of serious accidents on election days, with hard-pressed boards of management having to foot the bill if a voter falls or injures themselves.
However, in documentation seen by The Irish Catholic, the State Claims Agency, who operate the State indemnity, confirmed:
“The Minister/Returning Officer shall indemnify the Trustees and the Board and Management in respect of all loss, damage, liabilities, costs and expenses, including legal expenses, arising out of injury to persons or damage to property which is solely attributable to or caused by the act or omission of the Minister/Returning Officer, their servants or agents or any of their invitees.”
The Minister in the above context is the Minister for the Environment, Alan Kelly.