"No cell is so isolated it can exclude the Lord. Tell the prisoners I pray for them. They are in my heart. Pray to the Lord and the Virgin Mary that they can successfully overcome this difficult period of their lives. Tell themÖthat the Lord is not standing outside of their cell, outside the prison. He is with them inside, he is there."
Pope Francis sends a message of solidarity to inmates during his address to the National Conference of Chaplains in Italy.
"In this human tragedy we must celebrate the culture of life. Commuters who saved the child's life represent hope for all of us. It is urgent to overcome the culture of death, which has often been supported by a culture of silence, by promoting the culture of life and giving a voice to those who cannot defend themselves."
Auxiliary Archbishop Savio Fernandes of Mumbai, India, responding to the plight of a five-day old infant, dubbed the ‘miracle baby’ after he was found stabbed but alive on railway tracks in the city. Quick-thinking commuters saved the child and arranged for immediate hospital treatment.
"I'm pro-life, and if it means killing someone thatís already there, then I'm against that of course. I'm against abortion."
The 2013 Miss World winner, Megan Young, speaking on Filipino television in rection to the country’s newly-adopted reproductive health law.
"It's a challenge. Every once in a while I'd like to ask advice from my predecessor, but I donít have one because no one has ever held this double position. Nevertheless, with a bit of common sense, I do my best. I put into practice Pope Francis' words: "Never close yourself off and don't be afraid".
Archbishop Georg Ganswein, quoted in the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, on his unusual role serving both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
"Having read and heard and seen so much of what he had done, just to actually meet him was inspiring and an honour. Obviously I told him why we hope we can work together on many, many issues that affect human dignity and the poor and people who are marginalised."
Ken Hackett, the United States new Ambassador to the Holy See speaking of his first official meeting with Pope Francis.