PLC accuses Taoiseach of cynical tactics

Group decries papal invitation as election tactic

The Pro Life Campaign has accused Taoiseach Enda Kenny of trying to woo back pro-life votes in the run up to elections, by inviting Pope Francis to Ireland after he attended the canonisation ceremony in Rome last Sunday.

Cora Sherlock of the Pro Life Campaign told The Irish Catholic that “anyone who thinks the Taoiseach’s invitation to Pope Francis was unaffected by political motives would be naïve”.

“Many people will see in this invitation an attempt by the Taoiseach to neutralise public disquiet about Fine Gael’s role in bringing in abortion,” she said

“Fine Gael might like to pretend otherwise, but they know full well there are a lot of people out there who are disgusted with them for introducing abortion and for misleading the public that it was a life-saving measure.”

Ms Sherlock said that while the Taoiseach may have had wider considerations in mind when he made the invitation to Pope Francis, and the pro-life movement is not just for Catholics, “the Taoiseach is long enough in the game to know that there could be some political dividend in asking the Pope to visit”.

“There is no getting away from the fact that the timing of this move by the Taoiseach on the eve of elections has politicised the invitation,” she said.

A National Vigil for Life will take place in Merrion Square, Dublin from 3pm to 4pm on Saturday, May 3.