Participants from 22 countries attended the XIX World Congress of the International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico Social Assistants (CICIAMS) at All Hallows College Drumcondra, Dublin.
Established since 1933, CICIAMS consists of associations of nurses and midwives and social care assistants worldwide.
The theme of the Congress was ‘Supporting Family Life; the role and responsibility of nurses and midwives’, which was explored and discussed from a global, continental and national perspective.
The opening Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin with music provided by the Filipino Nurses Choir. The official congress opening with a colourful procession of flags was chaired by Sr Anne John RJM, international president CICIAMS. The keynote speakers included Msgr Jean Marie Mupendawatu, Secretary of the Pontifical Council of Health Care Workers, who spoke about the pastoral challenges to the family.
Ms Annette Mwansa from the World Health Organisation said nurses and midwives are well placed to “support the achievement of universal health coverage within the broad dimensions of multi-disciplinary health care teams including the family as carers”.
Fr Thomas Nairn, acting CICIAMS ecclesiastical advisor, said the professional responsibility of Catholic health care workers “calls us to defend human dignity, the sanctity of life and the dignity of marriage and family”.