A good session of sharing and prayers
Twenty six Irish people from seven different parishes were among 400 delegates at the 25th Parish Cells International Seminar hosted in San Eustorgio Parish, Milan at the start of the month.
The seminar offered various presentations on how parish cells work, the role of the cell leader, the importance of Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Spirit as the principle agent of evangelisation.
Personal testimonies and stories of the growth of parish cells around the world were also shared. Daily Mass concelebrated by approximately 70 clergy, a visit to a cell meeting and a liturgical concert were some of the highlights of the event.
“It was good to meet young adults who were committed to their faith. They welcomed me to their group on Tuesday evening. It was a good session of sharing and prayers,” said Fr Robert, Co. Down.
“The highlight for me was to celebrate in a home with young and not so young, where we all shared together and witnessed a true outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” said Mary, Leixlip, Co. Kildare.