Hopes rise of Pope Francis Irish visit

Hopes have been raised that Pope Francis will visit Ireland as part of the celebrations of the ‘World Meeting of Families’ in 2018.

The Pontiff announced at the weekend that he had chosen Dublin to host the international gathering, which takes place every three years. Popes have, with only two exceptions, traditionally presided at the events.

Sources in Rome confirmed to The Irish Catholic this week that the Pope’s presence in 2018 is being given serious consideration. 

They also insisted that such a visit would happen in the context of a wider pastoral visit by Pope Francis to Ireland which would include Masses and events at various places both in the North and in the Republic.


The Vatican has long considered St John Paul II’s 1979 pilgrimage as incomplete since the Pontiff was unable to cross the border due to rising violence in the North at the time.

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin said this week “certainly if the Pope comes to Ireland he’ll want to go to Northern Ireland”. Dr Martin said he hoped to have an opportunity to discuss a potential visit with Pope Francis and Vatican officials in Rome later this month.

Pope Francis lived briefly in Dublin in 1980 while taking English language classes.